Sunday, July 17, 2005

Emailing with Martha

This is an email exchange between me and Martha Zoller, of the Truth Tour to Iraq.

I wish you would talk to ordinary Iraqis and find out what they think, and how their life is going. Sticking to the Green Zone leaves a very incomplete picture.

We will do that but it's one step at a time. We did talk to ordinary Iraqis and overwhelmingly they want the soldiers to stay and with the bombings being targeted on civilians--it is driving them to the coalition even more strongly. It is a start, I wouldn't expect to get the whole picture in a week, but you have to start somewhere. The goal of the trip was to talk to soldiers. The next trip will be to go to outlying areas and then back to the cities. One step at a time. Thanks for taking the time to write. Martha

First you said you will do that (talk to ordinary Iraqis) then you said you did do that??? ..... I'm confused. thanks.

We will do more of that is what I meant-- A little jet lagged, please forgive me--we plugged a three week trip into 4 days. Martha

Oh, I wish you could have stayed longer. thanks.

So, she spent 4 days in the Green Zone, the goal was to talk to soldiers, and she intends to talk to ordinary Iraqis more next time. In spite of those limitations, she makes the claim that ordinary Iraqis (who are in the Green Zone, and who, I would suppose, speak English) want US troops to stay and the bombings targeting the civilians are driving them to the coalition even more strongly.

Well, here's her contact information, in case anyone's interested:

> MARTHA HAS A NEW DIRECT LINE-- 770 531 6504> > Reply to this email via or > These are my only two email addresses.> > You can listen to The Martha Zoller Show streaming live on> or and on> > > Martha> WDUN AM 550's> The Martha Zoller Show> Fox 5 Atlanta's The Georgia Gang> 770 532 9921> 1102 Thompson Bridge Road> Gainesville, GA 30501>

I did maintain a polite tone with her (and maybe I will get some more responses from her?!) but I think if I listened to her show, I'd probably lose it. And now you know that email to me is fair game!

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