Monday, March 06, 2006

How to tell if you are a moron

I wrote this in the comment section of another blog:

I thought I would drop in and tell everyone how they can tell if they are the true moron or not.

You are a world class moron if you ever believed any of the following, even for a second:

1. there were nuclear weapons in Iraq
2. Iraq was a threat to the USA
3. Iraq had anything to do with 9/11
4. Bush administration was capable of doing anything right
5. Bush administration ever wanted what was best for other people beyond their "base"
6. Bush administration had any degree of competence, ever
7. Bush administration went into Iraq for WMDs or to bring "freedom and democracy" to Iraqis or to fight terrorism
8. This war in Iraq would reduce terrorism world-wide
9. Bush administration cares about what happens to the Iraqi people or US/UK troops ... or even the vast majority of Americans
10. Bush administration intends to get Iraq to a point where they are functioning normally and living a decent life
11. Bush administration did NOT intend to make a big, fat pile of money off of Iraq (with American taxpayer's help, of course)
12. Bush administration intends to leave Iraq permanently and not have any US bases left behind
13. Iran has nuclear weapons
14. Iran is a threat to the USA
15. Iran had anything to do with 9/11
16. Bush administration cares about democracy in Iran or cares one whit about the people of Iran
17. Bush administration would allow large scale immigration of poor Iraqis into the USA - (rich Iraqis may qualify as part of the "base")

Now, if you have, at any point in your life believed two or more of the above, then you are a huge moron. And you should get some red lipstick and write on your bathroom mirror: I AM A TRUE MORON AND A GULLIBLE FOOL, just so you don't forget it.

If you believe three of the above, then you should tattoo the word MORON on your forehead so the rest of us can identify you and look out for you when you try to cross streets or go vote or something.

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