Sunday, January 21, 2007

More Eyes Wide Open Pictures

Here is another picture by Jill D.

And here is a letter I wrote last month to the News and Observer, a Raleigh NC paper.

I remember four years ago hearing that Saddam had WMDs, and that Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld knew where there were - but were unable to tell the location to the UN weapons inspectors for some inexplicable reason. I knew they were lying.

Today, we have a genocide going on in Iraq. It is a genocide started by the Bush administration and funded by US taxpayers. I am appalled and offended that my tax money would be put to such use, just like I am appalled that my government started an illegal war of aggression against Iraq in violation of the Nuremberg Principles.

This occupation and destruction of Iraq has got to stop. They did not attack us or threatened us. What the US is doing in Iraq is immoral. What our politicians have allowed to happen is evil. We have got to stop them.

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