Palestinian relatives of Ali Dardouna, react during his funeral in Jebaliya, northern Gaza Strip, Friday, Feb. 29, 2008. Dardouna, 8, was killed in an Israeli missile strike while playing soccer with friends in the Gaza Strip Thursday, Palestinian sources said. Since Wednesday, 32 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli missile strikes, including 15 civilians, among them eight children, according to Palestinian officials. Dozens of rockets have been launched in recent days by Palestinian militants in
Gaza at Israeli border towns, killing an Israeli man Wednesday, and long-range rockets struck the Israeli port city of
Ashkelon Thursday evening, Israeli sources said.
(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra) There were 32 Palestinians killed by Israeli missiles, and 1 Israeli killed by Palestinian rockets. One of the Palestinians killed was a little baby. Several more were children playing soccer. All of this is insane, and will never lead to peace. This piece came today from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation:
Take Action: Israel Kills 30 Palestinians with U.S. Weapons
Since Wednesday, Israel has killed at least 30 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including five children under the age of 16 playing soccer and a six month-old child (Ha'aretz). Israel's Deputy Defense Minister threatened Palestinians with genocide, calling for an even "bigger holocaust" against residents of the Gaza Strip (Telegraph). Israel killed almost all of these Palestinians in air strikes most likely with its arsenal of fighter jets-Boeing F-15's and Lockheed F-16's-and attack helicopters-Boeing Apaches and Cobra Bells-paid for by U.S. taxpayers through annual military aid to Israel. Almost all of Israel's air-to-surface missiles, which would have been used in these attacks, are produced by U.S. corporations such as Hughes, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Lockheed Martin and paid for by U.S. tax dollars. The US Campaign opposes all attacks on civilians. |
Is this how you want your tax dollars spent-to kill children playing soccer and to carry out threats of genocide?
President Bush has requested $2.55 billion in military aid for Israel in his proposed FY2009 budget. That's a 9% increase in military aid to Israel above and beyond actual spending in 2007. The budget request is the first installment of a ten-year Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United States and Israel in August 2007 to increase military aid by 25% over the next decade, totaling $30 billion.
The United States should be cutting off military aid to Israel for its human rights abuses and violations of the U.S. Arms Export Control and Foreign Assistance Acts, not increasing it.
TAKE ACTION 1. Have your organization endorse a letter to the Appropriations Subcommittees with oversight over military aid calling on them to reject Bush's budget request and cut off military aid to Israel.The letter and a current list of organizational endorsements are below.The deadline for signing this letter is March 4.To have your organization endorse the letter, click here. 2. Individuals can send a letter opposing military aid to Israel to the Members of Congress who serve on these Appropriations Subcommittees by clicking here. 3. Sign up to receive an organizing packet with postcards, petitions, and fact sheets to educate and organize people in your community to oppose military aid to Israel. To get your organizing packet, click here. |
This action is supported by these national organizations:
1. American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
2. Benedictines for Peace
3. Code Pink-Women for Peace
4. Council for the National Interest
5. Friends of Sabeel-North America
6. Jewish Voice for Peace
7. Peace Action
8. United for Peace and Justice
9. US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
There are dozens of local organizations who support this action also. I am opposed to providing military aid to Israel, and to nearly every other government or group on the planet. I think it is just stupid. I signed the letter, and I am encouraging groups that I am involved with to sign the letter also.
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