Monday, September 19, 2016

Letter to US Senators and Representative

We are in the midst of the worst refugee crisis since World War II, and the U.S. should lead by example to resettle and assist refugees. (Especially since we are one of the ones responsible for crisis!)

Please provide full funding to the Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide support for refugees, asylums, victims of human trafficking, and all populations under its mandate. Please also provide robust funding for other refugee-related accounts and refugee assistance overseas.

Across the world, from Syria to Central America, refugees are being forced to flee their homes because of violence and persecution. Just like many of us, these are mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, seeking a chance to live their lives in peace.

I hope you will increase funding to provide the necessary support for receiving and integrating refugees in American communities.

This was written via FCNL's website. Thanks to FCNL for making it so easy to email my Senators and Representative. Now, if only they would LISTEN.....!!!

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