Sunday, March 03, 2019

Another quote from Scott Peck

“How could a whole people have gone to war not knowing why? The answer is simple. As a people we were too lazy to learn and too arrogant to think we needed to learn. We felt that whatever way we happened to perceive things was the right way without any further study. And that whatever we did was the right thing to do without reflection. We were so wrong because we never seriously considered that we might not be right. With our laziness and narcissism feeding each other, we marched off to impose our will on the Vietnamese people by bloodshed with practically no idea ow what was involved. Only when we - the mightiest nation on earth - consistently suffered defeat at the hands of the Vietnamese did we in significant numbers begin to take the trouble to learn what we have done.” - M. Scott Peck, from the book "The People of the Lie"


I would argue that (for the most part) we never did take the trouble to learn what we have done in Vietnam. We never faced up to it, and therefore we (meaning the American people) see no reason to make reparations or feel much regret for what happened to the people who lived and currently live in Vietnam. 
And that is true for many aspects of our history both recent and past.

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