Thursday, November 10, 2005

Department of Peace meeting

Here in western North Carolina, we had our first meeting to promote the Department of Peace in the USA on October 29, 2005. The department would be a cabinet level position, and have equal footing with other cabinet level positions in the President’s cabinet. It is now in the proposal stage, and I think it will take a long time to make it a reality. The purpose of such a department would be to provide the President with verified recommendations on how a specific policy either decreases or increases the prospect of domestic and international peace. Another purpose would be to provide the President with recommendations regarding the social and financial impacts of domestic and international policies. This department would work on both international and domestic causes of violence and how to address these. Our American society often feels it needs to control violent people with violence, when another more human and compassionate response would work better. Of course, this will take a long while to get this Department of Peace established, and it will have no impact on a man like Mr. Bush.

More information can be found at The Peace Alliance.

People came to our meeting from GA, VI, NC, SC, TN. There were military people present also. Lynn McMullen was our speaker for this meeting/workshop. A women shared the story of explaining war to a very young child, who said: "Why are they so mad they would kill people they don't know?"

A musician at this workshop wrote this song:

Give peace a voice; let our hearts be heard,
Sounding our choice to love and preserve,
Give peace a voice, uniting nations of the world.
by Shawn Galloway

I have neglected this blog for almost two months, and that is somewhat due to the blogging I have been doing on Today In Iraq. I generally post there on Friday and Saturdays, but I fill in on other days. I will try to up date this blog at least every weekend.

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