Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Message from Voters for Peace

 Photo is of a Women in Black vigil at Pack Square, Asheville in 2010.  The following came from a Voters for Peace email a couple of days ago:

In little more than two years President Barack Obama has violated the U.S. Constitution by:

1) Ordering military attacks on sovereign nations without Congressional authorization.

2) Issuing Executive Orders for the extra-judicial assassination of U.S. citizens in violation of guarantees of due process.

3) Presiding over military, paramilitary and intelligence service use of torture in violation of prohibitions against cruel and unusual treatment.

4) Ordering and attempting to assassinate foreign heads of state.

5) Obstructing justice by failing or refusing to investigate credible allegations of torture brought against the previous administration.

President Obama is the current occupant of the throne to the imperial presidency. The first four items above apply to Mr. Obama himself, while the last applies to alleged crimes that occurred during the presidency of George W. Bush, with substantial supporting evidence, that Mr. Obama has neglected to prosecute.
It is not just "credible allegations of torture".  In fact, Cheney went on live TV and bragged about torture.  I have been thinking lately that I got rid of my HONK TO IMPEACH sign too damn soon.  Obomba should be impeached, but it does not seem fair to impeach him without having had any real effort to impeach Bush and Cheney, or any indictments.  What a horrible, evil mess this country is in!
And Obomba too!

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