Monday, May 04, 2015

Kent State massacre - 45th Anniversary

One of the many days in our history when America killed their own children. Eleven days later, they would do it again. No one wrote a song about the killings at Jackson State, though.

45 years ago today - when I was 14 years old - the National Guard shot and killed four unarmed and non-violent people in Ohio. And 11 days later, the police killed two more unarmed and non-violent people in Jackson, MS. 
This makes me so very sad. Today, like 45 years ago, those that are supposed to be there to protect and help us, are still shooting and killing unarmed and non-violent people in our homeland. It happens every day. 
And for the people out there that thing that guns and weapons and military will keep you safe: I feel so very sad that you are so ruled by fear that you cannot see reality. Guns and weapons will never keep you safe.
And for the people who think that violence and force are the way to deal with problems - well, you think just like our US government. Violence may solve a problem, but it creates so very many more, and the damage left behind is with us forever. Violence is never the answer. Killing people is never the answer.
And the saddest thing of all: there were Americans 45 years ago who thought killing of unarmed people was justified, since they did not approve of their opinions about war and what our government was doing - and today, there are also people who approve of our police shooting and killing unarmed and nonviolent people because they see them as thugs or criminals or worthless instead of precious human beings. That makes me incredibly sad.
And to my nieces - please listen to this song and realize that FOUR DEAD IN O-HI-O is still happening today. I hope you can turn this around in your lifetime. I am very sorry that my generation could not do that.

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