Friday, November 30, 2018

A Call To Women

Namaste, Salam, Shalom, Pyeongwha (Korean)

Nonviolence is not the solution for everything and will not solve all our problems, I agree.  But if the people in every country, promote the same thing -- demand that their own government renounce war-- via a movement of nonviolence, the movement attains "political clout."  We must take away the "threat" of violence.  Every country must participate -- and they will.  A task for everyone is to constantly tell everyone.

It is all about direction and working together for a commonality.  What do we want to teach our children?  There is no doubt people have to defend themselves.  However, the message "For the Children" has to be overt and visible.  Our goal is "NO VIOLENCE."  The emotions behind the fear of violence will be evoked.  If we are proactive, we send a message for people and "the children" that we are dedicated to nonviolence.  

The movement also includes a positive, constructive segment "For the Children."  Both constructive and obstructive segments are needed to show direction.  The people must see a method to work together -- to work for humanity.  What better way than to promote building bridges and transcending borders than helping others -- starting with the children.  The people of the world are waiting for something good to happen.   The people must know what is going on.  A Global Philanthropic Foundation is planned.

Promoting Nonviolence first enlists the people that ordinarily are not involved and paves the way for the tactics and ideas that David Swanson mentioned, "A European Nonviolent Peaceforce, a European Climate Protection Agency, a European Disarmament Project, a European Aid Mission, a European Global Marshall Plan."  WBW has all the tools to implement these initiatives.  Now we need to unite.

I believe as Rabbi Michael Lerner stated, we need to show "respect and genuine caring" and calling it a movement of nonviolence, opens the gates and tells the people what we are doing! 

The Arab and Jewish Women marched in Jerusalem.  They set an example, a "prototype" but I believe they didn't go far enough.  The women, and men, have to say they will not allow the violence.  This is where a movement of nonviolence, with nonviolent direct action, directed by WBW and CODEPINK comes in.  It will not be easy and there will be risks.  It must be stated that there will be sacrifice and suffering.  The long term affect is what is important.  If violence erupts, at least we tried everything.

The movement is about the power of nonviolence, the power of women, and the power of a people movement.  Again, the people of the world are waiting for something good to happen.  Let's enlist the women everywhere to promote a Global Movement of Nonviolence, For the Children (GMofNV).

Since 2015, women have been uniting:  Women Crossed the DMZ in KoreaWomen marched in Jerusalem (prototype), the Women’s March, and the #MeToo, movement.  These movements, together with March for our Lives, the Poor People’s Campaign, and the Families Belong Together movement, have paved the way, set the stage, and are in perfect alignment for WOMEN to influence world affairs and set a precedent for all time!   A GMofNV is not just for women, it is for everyone!

A GMofNV is one step away from being implemented -- enlisting the women leaders.   Non-governmental women leaders will ask women to be the first to rise-up and unite as the PEACEMAKERS.  Women leaders can “Harness the Energy” of WOMEN!  It can happen now!

The key is to get the movement started!  The intricacies are complex, but there is simplicity in setting the movement in motion. I have a specific strategy prepared to enlist the women leaders and I need the help of WBW.  If women leaders see the peace movement promoting women as the peacemakers, watch what happens.

Peace and Love.

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