Sunday, May 08, 2011


Yes, the truth is that Osama, who reportedly was behind the attacks on 9/11, was killed by actions on the order of Obama.  At the end of WW2, Americans tried their best to capture war criminals and bring them to trial.  Then they gave them a trial and a sentence.  Today, we just kill them.  I guess prior generations of Americans were made of better stuff than today's generations.

And the fact is, for every innocent person who was killed on 9/11/01, the USA has killed at least 100 innocent persons and maybe as high as 300 innocent persons.  And we are still killing them.  Daily.

I feel the same about Osama being killed as I would if Iraqi commandos invaded Bush's home and killed him outright.  Of course, Bush ordered the death of many more innocents than Osama, and he did it quite publicly.

Paul Craig Roberts: "International polls show that the rest of the world regard the US and Israel as the greatest dangers to world peace. Americans claim that they are fighting wars against terrorism, but it is US and Israeli terrorism that worries everyone else."

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