Friday, September 23, 2011

Rest in Peace, Troy Davis

This week, a man was executed in Georgia.  He was most likely, innocent.  He certainly did NOT have his guilt proven "beyond a reasonable doubt".  I know the US government kills innocent people around the planet on a daily basis.  But I found it every depressing this week that a state government planned and executed a killing too, even if they do it a lot less than the federal government does.  It is just sick that we even have a death penalty here in the US.  Every other developed country has abolished the death penalty. 

Of course, it is also very depressing that we have a former vice president who publicly brags about torture, and a former president who publicly brags about his wars of aggression.  And we still have over a hundred men stuck in GITMO, with no trial, no charges, no evidence, no judge, no jury.  It is totally sickening how the US government and some of the state governments, are behaving.  It is depressing.

Rest in peace, Troy Davis, and all the other people executed here in the USA. 

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