Sunday, July 28, 2013

How Come?

Letter to George Bush in June 2005:

How come no one was fired for the intelligence failures of 9/11? 

How come no one was fired for the intelligence failures of claiming WMDs were in Iraq? 

How come no one was fired for the extremely poor post war planning in Iraq? 

How come no one was fired for claiming that Saddam had something to do with al Qaeda and 9/11? 

How come no one was fired for the continuing hellish mess in Iraq? 

How come no one was fired for all the scary things said about "smoking guns" and "mushroom clouds" that were never true? 

How come Powell was not fired for his performance in front of the UN? 

How come I could figure out the there were no nuclear WMDs in Iraq way back in 2002 and you could not? 

How come I knew that any possible chemical or biological WMDs in Iraq could not hurt the USA and you could not? 

How come you have not resigned for all this lying and ineptitude? 

Didn't Jesus say, "love your enemies" and "turn the other cheek"? 

How come you claim to be "born again" in Jesus and you don't follow his teachings at all?


Here it is 2013, so here are a few more questions for Obama:

How come various financial institutions crashed our economy and no one was arrested?

Why are services to the poor being cut, and education and health care being cut, while we are starting up another war in Syria?

How come Guantanamo is still open?

How come our court systems are not adequate for prosecuting criminals who engage in terrorist acts?

How come Bush was not arrested for violating the Geneva Conventions and the Nuremberg Principles when he started the war of aggression on Iraq?

How come YOU are allowed to do him one better and violate the Geneva Conventions and the Nuremberg Principles AND not even get Congressional approval for a new war of aggression against Libya and Syria?

Why are you murdering children with drone bombs in several difference countries?  Do you WANT endless wars and terrorist attacks?

Why isn’t the United States helping people in the world instead of drone bombing and shooting them?

Are YOUR intentions to run this country into the ground, and take away all our civil rights?

Why are you setting a record for charging whistle blowers (who inform the American people about what your administration is doing) with espionage? Do you think the American people are the enemy?

Why are you ignoring the First Amendment and going after journalists?

Why are you collecting so much data on the American people? What do you intend to do with it?

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