Thursday, October 20, 2005

Iraqi Deaths

I gathered the following information for the Iraq Coalition Casualties website. They collect stories that report on Iraqi Civilian deaths, and then total them each month. Here’s what they have for six months of this year.

Civilians Police/Military
January N/A 109
February N/A 103
March 240 200
April 302 199
May 572 259
June 477 296
July 518 304
August 1,524 282
September 640 233

TOTALS 4,273 1,885

However, Robert Fisk reported on Democracy Now that there was 1,100 bodies brought to the Baghdad morgue in July for autopsies. Those would only include people who died a violent death. The exact number of Iraqi casualties from this war and occupation is unknown, and apparently, the US/UK forces there will make no attempt to find out. This speaks volumes to me about how much they care about Iraqis, and how much they are really interested in “freedom and democracy” for the Iraqis. I think they are bringing a lot of the Iraqis the freedom of the grave and the democracy of death.

Reuters reports this week: More than 4,300 Iraqis, nearly 70 percent of them civilians, were killed by insurgents in the first nine months of this year, an Interior Ministry official said on Saturday. That would mean there was a heck of a lot of Iraqis killed by coalition troops, if this is accurate.

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