Friday, April 07, 2006

Stopping war

I posted the comment below to Talking about Iraq blog

What happens to the people who say "no" to the corruption and don't play the game? They get sidelined or silenced, or in Iraq, probably killed.

I am wondering these days how we deal with people who believe in "power over" vs. "power shared".... how do we stop them if they think they can impose their agenda and their will on people, even by violence? How do we stop them?

In the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the people who were behind this war on Iraq wrote how they want "global dominance" for the pursuit of American interests, using American's military might to achieve it. And the Americans voted them into office - and the Americans don't object to spend a huge amount of money on weapons. Even more surprising, the American people do not object to American companies selling arms all over the world. Even the military guys, who have got to know that those arms make their fighting wars more dangerous, don't object. So, we have the American military with more weapons than any reasonable useage would suggest, and American companies arming the rest of the world to an unbelievable degree. If the goal is the end of the world, then we are making the correct choices.

I would say that all wars about about power and greed, and it is nothing new to lie to a people about the reasons for war (that happens all the time) and the underlying reasons for starting up any war is to control the area and the resources.

And, I would say that responding to violence with violence does not work too well either..... it only leads to more violence.

How do we stop these people??

His answer was very simple, and probably correct: stop giving them money.

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