Thursday, February 16, 2017

Collateral Repair Project

Photo from CRP post on Facebook.

Notes from the Collateral Repair Project

The past few tumultuous weeks have had many of us up in arms and frightened about what the future holds for refugees. 

Last week I sat in on our men's support group (who very much enjoys visitors!) as everyone spoke and processed together their feelings related to the US attempt to ban refugees and their hurt from the international hostility directed at them. Abu Adnan tearfully asked, "How long will we continue to bear the burden of being known only as refugees--not as regular people who care about our families and have our own individual identities?" Others lamented feeling as if the world has turned their back on them and a frustration that powerful countries are not carrying their weight in providing a stable future for refugee families like theirs who have lost everything.

We don't know what the future holds. But we do know that only 1% of the families in our community will have the opportunity to be resettled to another country. The vast majority of refugees will remain in Jordan and other primary host countries. Really helping refugees means not forgetting all those left behind who struggle daily and face a grim future. 

Your support for CRP makes a huge difference for refugees, and we are so thankful to have you on our side.

CRP provides Emergency Assistance and a Community & Family Resource Center for Iraqi and Syrian refugees as well as other civilian victims of war and conflict in the Hashemi Shamali community of Amman.

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