Friday, October 02, 2009

The Sewing Machine Project

This is a follow up post to the Iraqi Sewing Project that we sponsored here in Asheville in June 2009. But first, here is some background information.

Faiza speaks in Asheville

Faiza gave a presentation last night at Asheville Friends Meeting. We had about 30-35 people show up to hear about what has happened in Iraq and the projects Faiza is working on. One of those projects is the Iraq Sewing project, were she gets sewing machines and materials to widows in Iraq, so that they can become self-sustaining.

Iraq Sewing Project – pictures of the sewing machines and materials

These are pictures of the sewing machines and fabric for the Iraqi Sewing Project and the receipts for these items. There were four sewing machines purchased, along with fabric, scissors, needles and thread.

And the pictures on the blog today are of the women who received the four sewing machines. Earlier this month, Faiza said this to me in an email:

finally the pictures from Misan, where the women are working on the sewing machines we sent.
thank for all donors

I am hopefully that we have improved the lives of the members of these four families, and that they now are economically self-sufficient – at least, I hope that is true! I will be making another donation to Faiza later this year (inshallah), so please let me know if you would like to join me.

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