Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Letter to the Editor

I would like to say “Thank you VERY MUCH” to Representative Shuler for voting in favor of H. Con. Res. 28 on an exit strategy from the occupation of Afghanistan.  Next, I hope to see you vote to cut the funding for this hideous occupation.  We cannot afford it in either a financial sense or moral sense.  We also cannot afford the extension of the occupation of Iraq (which is being hinted at by Sec. Gates) nor can we afford the $1 billion spent starting up a war with Libya.

The LA Times ran an article this past weekend called the Anatomy of an Afghan War Tragedy.  It is about a drone and helicopter bombing of innocent Afghans who were traveling inside their own country on February 21, 2011.  A transcript of the radio transmissions is posted on their website, and it is sickening reading indeed.  The blood lust in the US military folks is just disgusting.  Over a dozen innocents were killed.  However, it is the US government’s blood lust that caused this crime, and they are the real villains.  This hideous miscarriage of justice and decency must come to an end NOW.


The LA Times article that I am referring to was discussed on this blog on 4-14-11.

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