Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Non-violent protests against drones

Photos from The Post-Standard

Demonstrators protest military use of drone airplanes outside the Air National Guard Base at Hancock. - by Gary Walts

The photos above come from the protest in New York at Hancock Air Base.  There were about 150 people there to march and rally against the drone bombings and the wars.  They marched to the base, and there some of them engaged in lying down in front of the entrance to the base.  They had sheets with red paint on them, symbolizing the deaths caused by drone attacks. 

37 people who protest at Hancock Air Base near Syracuse against the use of drones are arrested Friday
Thirty seven protesters, draped with red-spattered sheets, had lain themselves in the main entrance roads to the base, off East Molloy Road. They were arrested by Onondaga County Sheriff’s deputies on charges of trespassing and obstruction of justice.
The arrests followed a rally outside the air base where more than 150 people had gathered to protest the MQ-9 Reaper drones, and U.S. military involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.  Friday’s rally culminated a week of walks, talks and dinners that brought people from around New York State and the U.S., organized by the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars.  “Our real goal is to end the war,” said Kathy Kelly, a peace activist from Chicago.

Protesters arrested outside upstate NY drone base

The protest was organized by the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars. The organization says civilian deaths in drone attacks are violations of human rights.

And, over in Pakistan, they are also trying to non-violently stop the drones.  There are a lot more protesters there, and they have a leader in one of their politicians.  They also kept it up much longer.  I am not sure if they plan to stay there after today, but it sounds like they plan on doing just that.

NATO supply route blocked as Imran Khan leads 2-day sit-in

Thousands of people, led by Pakistani cricketer-turned politician Imran Khan, on Saturday blocked the main supply route for NATO troops in neighbouring Afghanistan to protest against the US drone strikes in the restive tribal regions.  Several opposition and Islamist groups as wells as tribal elders have backed the protest led by Imran, the chief of Tehrik-e-Insaf party (justice movement).
The protest comes just a day after two US drone aircraft rained missiles into North Waziristan tribal region which killed 25 people, including women and children, according to tribesmen in the region.  The protestors blocked the Khyber Pass, the main supply route for NATO troops in the neighbouring Afghanistan, on the outskirts of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province.  The protest forced the authorities to suspend for two days the supplies for nearly 150,000 US-led foreign forces.

I hope these non-violent protests are successful!

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