Friday, April 22, 2011

Drones going to Libya

Death from the sky for the people of Libya - including the stupid rebels who think that more violence will solve their problems and put them in power.  Of course, the rebels are a very mixed group, so there will be a further violent fight for power once Gaddafi is gone.  And the USA is there all the way!!  That is, they are available for bombing people, giving military tools to the rebels, and sending in Special Forces or some mercenaries - er, I mean, contractors!   And Britain and France are now going to send in ADVISERS so the rebels will be even better at violence and killing of their fellow humans.

And there is one thing I know:  the US/NATO/BRITAIN/FRANCE governments behind this escalation of violence in Libya do not give a rat's ass for what happens to the people of Libya!  They never have and never will.

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