Thursday, May 12, 2016

Poem by Daniel Berrigan

- to the Plowshares 8, with love
by Daniel Berrigan

Some stood up once, and sat down.

Some walked a mile, and walked away.

Some stood up twice, then sat down.

“It's too much,” they cried.

Some walked two miles, then walked away.

“I've had it,” they cried,

Some stood and stood and stood.

They were taken for fools,

they were taken for being taken in.

Some walked and walked and walked –

they walked the earth,

they walked the waters,

they walked the air.

“Why do you stand?” they were asked, and “Why do you walk?”

“Because of the children” they said, and “Because of the heart” and “Because of the bread”

“Because the cause is the heart's beat, and the children born, and the risen bread.”

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