Monday, February 05, 2018

Some recent history

A response I made to someone’s comment that the US military is doing well and winning their many wars under Trump:

In fact, the US is (and has been) helping ISIS in Syria. As the Podesta emails said: ISIS is on our side in Syria. And the US troops are in Syria (supposedly) to dispose Assad. Assad is going nowhere.

If turning foreign countries into shit holes is the definition of US military success, then yes, things are going well for the military. 

16+ years of the US military in Afghanistan, and more of the country is under Taliban control than in 2001.

Almost 15 years in Iraq, and that country is a total wreck.

The US-driven NATO bombing of Libya has resulted in slave markets and terrorist groups ruling various areas of the country.

The US-assisted Saudi war on Yemen has caused the world's worst cholera outbreak and massive starvation.

Over 3 years of intervention in Syria, and that country is nearly in ruins. The parts of the country that is doing well are under the control of Assad.

The world's worst refugee crisis since WWII has caused horrible hardship and death. And those refugees are mainly coming from Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria - all countries the US has bombed, attacked and invaded. All those countries were MUCH better off before the US military was ordered to bomb, attack or invade them. 

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