This trial was a farce - much like trials in Stalin's Russia. For starters, they went after Saddam for signing the death warrants of people who were convicted in a trial. I am opposed to the death penalty, but I cannot help but notice that Saddam has now been executed for signing less Death Penalty cases than Bush did while governor of Texas. (Not to mention the fact that more than 148 people are now getting killed everyday in Iraq, thanks to Bush's invasion and occupation. Pretty sad when Saddam looks better than Bush to the Iraqi people.) Now, the actual hanging, however, really fell below Nazi standards. They used to use piano wire, which was slow and painful. Saddam died almost right away. In the Nazi cases, they also taped them. Today, they not only tape them - they go and broadcast it on the TV and print up pictures of the hanging in the papers and on the internet. I find that barbaric.
I think Saddam should have been tried on ALL the crimes he was involved with - which would have exposed quite a few other people as complicit in those crimes - like Rummy above. Then, I think Saddam should have been forced to watch videos of the crimes, the aftermaths, the victims statements for 10 hours a day for the rest of his life. Death brings relief from earthly pain, so killing someone (besides being immoral and barbaric) just lets them off the hook.
Of course, I think the same standards and treatments should be given to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Franks, Wolfowitz, Ledeen, Pearle, and anyone else who was involved in the crimes on Iraq. It would be quite a list.
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