Well, the poor widdle bitty
This announcer went on to repeat all the bushies lies from 2002. He asked the question “Why did Saddam choose war?”. Of course, it was the USuk who choose war, but this guy is not going to let a few facts get in the way of a good pack of lies. The point of the show was to interview the FBI agent (pictured above) who was born in
This FBI guy said that Saddam did not know he was an agent for the FBI and they had lead Saddam to believe that bush himself spoke directly with this FBI agent. He spoke to Saddam for hours over several months. The FBI agent claimed that a speech Saddam made in June 2000 was about WMDs – but there was not a shred of evidence to support that claim. The FBI agent did finally get around to asking Saddam “why keep the secret? Why keep the charade going around WMDs in
But why talk about what really happened when you can foster a bunch of lies on the American public? The FBI agent claimed that Saddam did it to stay in power and to keep
Personally, I wanted to believe that the
The FBI agent said that Saddam claimed that the “secret war” was to start after two weeks after the
Well, bush has killed more Iraqis than Saddam and made their lives a WHOLE LOT WORSE and I don’t see any remorse or regret from him – or from any of the other politicians and assholes and so-called journalists that got this unnecessary war started. I believe that they are, like Saddam and the FBI agent and the 60 Minutes old white guy, sociopaths who just don’t care about the pain of others.
The FBI guy said that the FBI was really proud of their interview. I cannot see how they could be proud of this pack of lies. I guess they are proud of lying.
I was not the only one who saw this smorgasbord of lies. Here is a post on the subject written by someone else:
CBS Falsifies Iraq War History
In the real world, Saddam Hussein's
ADDITION: Here is how it was easy to figure out that what the bushies said in 2002 was a lie: They said Iraq had WMDs. They said they knew where the WMDs were. They had UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in late 2002...... somehow, the bushies could not (or would not) tell the UN weapons inpsectors where the WMDs were........ and the logical conclusion to that set of facts is - THE BUSHIES WERE LYING!
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