Happy New Years and thanks to everyone who reads this blog. I really appreciate that.
This is a photo of Edwin, and he is sitting inside the WPVM broadcast studio. He is the organizer for Asheville Global Report, which is due to become the Global Report this year. I am one of the people who edits and reads news articles for the Asheville Global Report.
We will start this year to attempt to have other radio stations carry the Global Report, which is a half hour show of under-reported news. We generally get these news stories from the (English) foreign press, and our goal is to get more information out to our US listeners so that they are better informed.
I watched the movie "Manufacturing Consent" yesterday. It is about Noam Chomsky and how our US media acts like a filter to keep out information the corporate owners do not want the American people to know and to keep them entertained and distracted. This is a rather long movie, but I do recommend it for anyone who does not understand how messed up the American media is today - and how messed up it has been for a long, long time. Media reform is very much needed in the USA.
We did a live program today, and Edwin asked me some questions about Iraq and Iraqi refugees. The time flew by. If you would like to hear some of the Asheville Global Report, I believe it is stored in the archives of WPVM. A lot of people listen to this station over the internet. It has several good programs.
Then, I went to the Vets for Peace vigil. At first, I was the only one there, but then three other people showed up, and pretty soon there were about 12 of us there. IT WAS VERY COLD! The sky was clear, but we are supposed to get snow tonight, and the wind was wicked!
I am glad to be home in a warm, safe place.
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