Friday, February 22, 2008

This war is about oil

This war is about oil.

And it always has been.

So, the protesters who said "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" were right. I seriously thought it had to be about something else. But I could not figure out what that "something" was - I knew they would not find any WMDs in Iraq and I knew that Saddam did not even make the top ten of 'bad guys running countries'. I knew they did not give a rat's ass about the Iraqi people and never would.

So, recently this came across my computer screen:

Section 1222 of HR 4986 was altered by a SIGNING statement by Mr. Bush. He has claimed that Section 1222 could inhibit his ability to defend the US Constitution, so he claims the right to ignore it. This is what Section 1222 of HR 4986 says: “No funds appropriated pursuant to an authorization of appropriations in this Act may be obligated or expended for a purpose as follows:

(1) To establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing for the permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq.

(2) To exercise United States control of the oil resources of Iraq.”

Somehow, not being able to control Iraq's oil or put permanent military bases in Iraq can be twisted into "inhibiting the ability to defend the US Constitution" even though bush has repeatedly violated the US Constitution.

And now we know: they went into Iraq to control the oil. Not to necessarily get the oil to the USA - this bunch would let Americans go hungry if they could make more money that way - but to CONTROL where that oil does go.

The picture above is the best anti-war picture from 2007. I am proud of those Code Pinkers!

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