Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Backwards day on local radio

I think today must be backwards day. I listen to Glenn Beck on that horrible station WWNC (I call them ‘the tumor of the mountains’) at 570 AM and to the Revolution at 880 AM (they are supposed to be the progressive talk radio – they often fail at that goal). Glenn Beck was actually making sense – Stephanie Miller, who was on 880 was not. Beck was saying that we are going to face severe economic times, and that another stimulus package is not going to help since we cannot spend our way out of this. He then went on to say that we can do without a lot of the junk we have today, and that he started a garden and was teaching his kids to garden. He got on this topic because Biden had said that whoever the next president is, he will face a severe international crisis within six months of taking office. Beck agreed with this assessment, and the only time he was failing to make sense was when he talked about 9/12/01 and how that was one of our finest hours because Americans all pulled together. I personally think Americans generally lost their minds after 9/11, and a lot of them have yet to regain their minds (although they may have been lost all along).

Meanwhile, Stephanie Miller was talking about Biden’s statement and going on and on about how the Republicans are only predicting this for an Obama presidency, and claiming it will not happen if McCain is elected. It did not make a lot of sense, and was an example of the left-wing sprouting talking points to knock down the other side. Sometimes I wonder if the elites in this country really try to make these elections into sporting events with “our” team playing “their” team. I know for sure that the elites cover their bases by making sure candidates from both major parties will tow the corporate line, and that happens long before they get to this point in time.

I don’t know if an international crisis is going to happen, other than the economy tanking. That means hundreds of millions will go hungry and homeless – but most of them will not be in the USA. It could lead to more fascist developments, both inside and outside the USA.

I am certain that Obama will get elected, and I am fairly certain that the people elected this time will manage things better here at home, while ramping up the war going on in Afghanistan and spread it to Pakistan. And I strongly suspect that this time, we will get hurt pretty badly by the Pakistanis. I am also pretty certain that (just like going into Cambodia) this will start up a civil war and genocide in Pakistan.

Yes, we can stay stupid!

Yes, we can make war on Pakistan!

Apparently, we cannot think clearly, use critical thinking skills to see what is going on and where it will lead, or have any moral background to guide us. Your typical pig has more Christianity in them than the masses of American people.

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