Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reflections on Canada – part eight

Then I headed back to Hamilton for a few days, and went out to eat, to an English Country Dance, and to the Y and the library.

On the next to last day, I went to the Royal Botanical Gardens. That was just lovely, with lots of flowers blooming and trees budding out.

I went into Toronto for a last lunch with a friend and a last contra dance. That was fun. I also checked out the library in TorontoPickerings was still better. The Ajax library looked good too, but I never went inside.

I am still conflicted about moving back to Canada. They have lovely summers, with long days and cool weather. But the winters have short days and lots of cold weather. That is the main drawback - that and finding a job I would like as much as my current job.

I really do like how they have the ability to think of others, and the fact that they take the time and make the effort to be informed. They have a great country up there, and it is safe, peaceful and secure. They also care about the environment and try to take care of it. I guess I will return there to live, at least part time, one day. But for now, I will stay here. And keep pictures of Ontario on my computer!

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