Thursday, February 17, 2005


Today was the day the Kyoto agreement went into effect..... but not for the US. They did not sign it, and have no respect or real concern about the environment. Some people in the US feel this way because they believe the "rapture" is going to happen any day now, so there is no need to worry about the environment. I spent many years whitewater kayaking, so I know the environment is in big trouble. The rivers are polluted, and really, there is no excuse for this state of affairs.

(I saw a bumper sticker in Asheville that said "In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned". I wanted to ask him: in case of rapture, can I have your car?)

Tonight, I went to a local community center for a meeting. I was waiting around outside, since it was a warm night here. A man was sitting there in a huge truck, a diesel truck, with the engine running. I went up to him and asked him why he was running the engine all that time, and he replied that he was waiting for his daughter. I told him that running cars causes air pollution, and he told me "I don't care" and then told me to shut up. I think it is very sad that I care more about his daughter's health than he does.

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