Friday, February 25, 2005

National Security/ Who do you believe?

Who do you believe, George Bush or Scott Ritter? Ritter has been correct all along, so I'm going with him. A post comparing the two points of view (on what will be happening to Iran soon, sadly enough) can be found here: (scroll down a bit)

On the blogcritics blog, there are people arguing with the author of the blog above that the WMDs really, really did exist in Iraq, and someone moved them. Took the entire production facilities and all trace of residue with them, I suppose. They do say that NO ONE ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

Which brings me to the topic of National Security.... so, we have a fake journalist, with fake credentials, and a fake name, who gets access to the White House Press room every day for two years. And no one notices! Do you feel safer now? This fake journalist is a real-life gay whore. He has websites advertising his "wares" which includes 8 inches CUT and a specialty of military men. His quote: "I leave impressions, not marks". Oh, how lovely. First we find out that there is gay S & M porno/torture going on in the prisons run by our military. Then we have common whore (former military, 'servicing' military men) doing the media whore thing INSIDE the White House. What was that they said about family values????

A bumper sticker I saw said "In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned". A friend of mine wanted to knock on his car window and ask him "In case of rapture, can I have your car?"

On the serious side, I had a discussion tonight with two men from the American Friends Service Committee. We were discussing bringing EYES WIDE OPEN to Asheville later this year. More information on this excellent exhibit can be found at . They have a short movie (2 minutes) on the true cost of the Iraq war and a petition you can sign to bring our troops home now. This will be a big project. It is so very needed, since the reality of what is happening on the ground there in Iraq is slipping from the awareness of most Americans. And the torture stories are thought to be "a few bad apples" .... yeah, they are a few bad apples from a very large orchard!

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