Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sing a sad song, my country

Sing a sad song, my country, sing a sad song.

Sing a song of lament – that your posturing of goodness has been shown to only be posturing.

Sing a song of lament – that your posturing of decency has been shown to only be posturing.

Sing a song of lament – that your posturing of fairness has been shown to only be posturing.

Sing a sad song for those you have killed, tortured, raped, and disappeared.

Sing a sad song for those you have killed, tortured, raped, and disappeared – whose names you will never know.

Sing a wail of grief for your own children, and their futures, and their health, - that you have sacrificed.

Sing a plea of innocence, for an innocence you never possessed, but only pretended to.

Sing a sigh for the dreary future you have a created for yourself.

Sing the funeral song for the babies and toddlers and small children who no longer can sing their own song, for their voices were forever silenced.

Sing a song for all those songs that will never be heard, due to your policies.

Sing a song of blindness, because you are truly blind.

Sing a sad song, my country, a song of unremitting sadness.

Written by dancewater

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