Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Voting for Kay Hagen

I sent this email to the Kay Hagen campaign:

I briefly spoke with Kay Hagen last Saturday at the Buncombe County Big Tent event (in August). I asked her if she wants to withdraw our troops from Iraq - and she said that she wants to "drawdown" troops in Iraq and send them to Afghanistan to fight the terrorists. I am assuming this means that she does not want to leave Iraq, just have less US troops there. I pointed out to her that our policies are creating more terrorists, including in Afghanistan. She turned away. Here is a link to a short story and a video on Afghanistan that was recently released - it shows exactly WHY our policies are creating more terrorists rather than reducing the number of terrorists. Please make sure she sees this short video.

Unless she changes her position, I will not be able to vote for her in November. I for sure will not vote for Dole.

This was the response from the campaign:

Thank you for contacting Kay’s campaign. I apologize for it taking so long for the campaign to get back to you. There is so much excitement about Kay’s campaign that it is at times both amazing and overwhelming.

Kay opposes the United States’ involvement in Iraq and is committed to ending the war in a responsible manner. She supports a responsible withdrawal so that we can re-focus our national security efforts on defeating al Qaeda, especially in Afghanistan, improving our country’s reputation around the world, and rebuilding our military strength.

Since the beginning of the Iraq war, our intelligence agencies have reported, the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 have regained their strength and safe haven, the Taliban has rebounded, and our military is stretched dangerously thin and unable to adequately respond to needs in Afghanistan and other threats. We need to insist on accountability from the Iraqi people and push for more diplomacy with other countries in the region and around the world. America needs cooperation to defeat terrorism, keep nuclear weapons out of our enemies’ hands, and combat other security threats.

Again, thank you for contacting the campaign. Please let us know if you have any more questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

And here is my response to that email:

The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 are quite dead. They died in the attack. The people who backed them were on friendly terms with the Taliban, but they were NOT the Taliban. A sizable number of them are Saudis, and supposedly "friends" of the Bushes and the USA. Our country's reputation is in tatters around the world. This is due to the fact that we have destroyed countries and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and ruined the lives of millions (who were also innocents). Continuing this policy will continue to deteriorate our standing in the world, with good cause.

Saying "we need to insist on accountability from the Iraqi people" is repulsive. We have destroyed their country, and have caused half the population to be killed, internally displaced, wounded, sick from stress, and refugees in foreign countries. We need to beg their forgiveness for this hideous evil.

Ramping up the war in Afghanistan, or spreading it to Pakistan, will never stop terrorism in the world. It will only make it grow. I am really distressed to see how immoral, how very evil, our country has become over the last eight years and I realize that it would not have happened without the Democrats cooperation. We will pay a price for this.

[Overall, more 'change we can believe in' all right! Hah!]

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