Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Week in Review

I haven't posted all week, mostly because I don't have anything new to say. Obviously, our country is still being lead down the toilet, while people argue if Amnesty International got all their i's dotted and t's crossed properly. I think they did, so if you can afford to do so, please make a contribution to them here:

I got a new bumper sticker that says:

W - Worst President Ever

That was from a Democracy for America meeting where they seem to mostly talk about social security and Walmart. I hate Walmart, and hope to collect social security one day. But right now, neither issue seems all that pressing. But maybe Walmart is. I also saw the movie "The Corporation" this week, and that is well worth watching. It shows how corporations are psychopaths, which reminded me of Bush and Cheney, and how the corporations (with the help of Bush and Cheney) are running our world and country into the toilet.

So, it has not been an especially exciting week here, hence no posts. But I think that will be changing in a couple of weeks, so come back then!

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