Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Democracy Hypocrisy

Well, the Bush administration has done it again! Bush says he wants democracy for Iraq and Afghanistan and the greater Middle East, then he goes and invests HEAVILY in anti-democracy activities and programs. The best example was Haiti in 2004, where they engineered a coup. Aristide had been elected in 2000, and in 2004, the chaos and turmoil started. More information HERE.

“But did the rebellion really spring from nowhere? Maybe not. Several leaders of the demonstrations -- some of whom also had links to the armed rebels -- had been getting organizational help and training from a U.S. government-financed organization. The group, the International Republican Institute (IRI), is supposed to focus on nonpartisan, grassroots democratization efforts overseas.”

There is also the example of Palestine. They went and elected Hamas, and the USA responded by cutting off all aid, and worse, not saying anything when Israel decided to keep tax money belonging to Palestine. Now, they are trying to starve them out. All this because they don’t like the people they elected.

Today was a double header in the democracy hypocrisy game. The Bush administration has threatened Nicaragua with economic sanctions if they elect Ortega. What right does he have to interfere with the elections in Nicaragua? They claim it is because Ortega had a prior relationship with a terrorist organization that US laws permit them to apply sanctions. First, I don’t think Ortega was any more of terrorist than the Bush administration has been. Second, Ortega and his government would be no threat to the USA at all. More information HERE.

Today’s second entry in the democracy hypocrisy game is Lebanon. They are claiming that there is mounting evidence that Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are planning to topple the Lebanese government. Gee, didn’t Bush go and topple a few governments recently? Not just planned and talked about, mind you, but DID IT. Haiti comes to mind. So does Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush seems to fail to notice that Lebanon is a democracy, and that Hezbollah is part of that democracy. Yes, they are messing around with the government of this country also, and again fail to realize that they have no right to do so. (And neither does Syria or Iran.) More information HERE.

It seems in Iraq that Bush is only bringing them the democracy of death.

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