Thursday, June 07, 2007

Democracy Hypocrisy, Part 22

This example is from April of this year, and I have been too busy to write about it. This is a story of how bush allies in our congress blocked a bill that would require the bush administration to disclose where they have secret prisons.

(Can you even believe that? The US is running secret prisons to torture and kill people. And we don’t even have any idea how many they are torturing and killing! Oh, and they kidnap the people to get them into these secret prisons. How low can we go? How low and how evil will bush go before we stop him? How long will this go on?)

Anyway, this report came from the NYT:

>The Bush administration's allies in Congress on Monday blocked a bill that would require the White House to disclose the locations of secret prisons run by the Central Intelligence Agency and to reveal the amount spent annually by American intelligence agencies. The vote on the intelligence bill was a blow to Senate Democrats, newly in control of Congress, who had hoped that they would be able to extract more details from the White House about some of the most widely debated intelligence programs begun after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Opponents of the legislation, led by Senator Jim DeMint, a South Carolina Republican, won enough support on Monday to prevent the bill from going to the Senate floor for a final vote. But Congressional officials said that negotiations over the measure would continue Tuesday, and Democrats said they were still hopeful the bill could eventually pass.
The Senate bill also requires the White House to make public the annual budget of the American intelligence agencies. The intelligence budget, which has long been classified, is widely believed to be approximately $44 billion.<

Well, shoot, that is a lot of money to kidnap, torture and kill people without the benefit of a judicial system.

Just think what that kind of money would do in areas of the world where there is no safe drinking water, where there is no health care, where there are no decent schools! Just think of the good we could do! And how these poor people that we helped would like and appreciate us for helping them out and keeping their children alive and giving the children an education.

Instead we do kidnapping, torture, rape, murder and wars of aggression. What a hideous evil shame it is that the American people allow this to happen. What we need to do to show the world that we really are decent, moral human beings is to IMPEACH bush & cheney. The photo above was taken by me in Apri l 2007 in North Carolina of course!

"To initiate a war of aggression . . . is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." - Nuremberg Tribunal

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