Sunday, June 10, 2007

Rally in DC for Ending Occupation of Palestine

This one is of a friend of mine - his sign says "The occupation is a moral disaster for the Jewish people."

I had a great time at the rally talking with old friends and making some new ones. I did not follow closely what was being said on the stage, but I heard a lot of "Free Palestine". I got some great handouts, including a DVD from the group If Americans Knew.

I saw some signs at the rally that said things about Israel that were unflattering. These signs were not only true for Israel, they would be true if the word 'Americans' or 'USA" were inserted. This is very sad. I did see three young women with tee-shirts that I thought were totally inappropriate. They had pictures of the Palestinian flag on them (no problem with that) and then said "Fcuk Israel". They had as bad of manners and communication skills as someone who posted a comment (that I deleted) in the last blog post. I went up to these young women THREE TIMES to tell them that what their shirts said was inappropriate, unhelpful, and hateful. I told them that it was not helpful to our cause to have hateful garbage like that at our rally. The third time I talked to them, they told me to stop bothering them. They did get the message.

At the rally and the march, I tried to talk people out of their flags - I really like flags. I could not talk anyone out of a single Israeli or Palestinian flag.

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