Monday, July 16, 2007

What has not changed....

VIDEO: What Hasn’t Changed in 25 Years

George Bush Sr. operated a secret government while a senile Ronald Reagan dozed and coasted on his Hollywood presentation skills. Yet when the Iran-Contra scandal broke, Reagan and others took the heat, while George Sr. remained safely in the shadows. Shameless, contemptuous of the law, and masterful liars...many of the members of the Bush Sr. support term manage things today behind the scenes for Junior.

Justice has been long delayed in this case. This is a review of the Iran-Contra hearings and the evils behind that, and goes on to examine other aspects of the US "secret" government. Today, it is not so secret.

Throughout history, every US president, whatever his intentions, and every tyrant and terrorist, whatever their intentions, have held to the idea that they should be allowed to do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. And the "goals" they state are remarkably similar, too - promotion of the "common good" for the people. They generally do so in secrecy, but it is chilling to hear a director of the CIA in 1960's say that is was quite okay to kill off a leader of a foreign country. And, as this movie points out, once you take that position, then it is nothing to kill off a domestic leader you don't like, including the president.

It is amazing to me that people were so deluded for so many years into thinking that the communists were a real threat to us and our way of life. It is even more amazing that they can think that Islamic terrorists are a serious threat to us and our way of life. It is just a pile of horseshit. These people who inspire and promote these fears are just interested in making a pile of money, they don't give a rat's ass about the safety of the American people.

And by Americans not paying attention and waking up to this reality, we become our own worst enemies.

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