Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dik Tsheny Go Out!!!

This photo came from Yahoo News, sometime last month. I seem to have failed to save the caption, but I know this is a demonstration in Iraq. It is one of MANY such demonstrations that happen in Iraq all the time. The Iraqi people clearly want the US troops out of there.

Rep. Kucinich is also saying that Dik Tsheney needs to GO OUT - out of the White House and out of our current government. Rep. Kucinich is going to present his House Resolution 333 today.

Please call your Representative (not Senators) and tell them to support Kucinich's resolution to impeach Dick Cheney, House Resolution 333: 800-828-0498, 800-862-5530, 800-833-6354

For folks in the western North Carolina area, Rep. Shuler’s local number is: 828-252-1651

ALSO: Election day is November 6, 2007 – be sure to vote!

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