I know Desiree - I stayed at Code Pink house in DC last June, and Desiree is the house mom there. I am glad she did this - and I think it will be a picture that lives in American history as a symbol of the opposition to the destruction and occupation of Iraq.
I also think Desiree is going to do some jail time for this action. And I personally don't feel that is right. Desiree has FAKE blood on her hands, while rice and bush and cheney have REAL blood on their hands. They are the ones who should be going to prison.
I agree with these actions, but I am not sure I want to imitate them - I don't think I should be going to jail - because I am not the one who has killed a load of people. I have not killed anyone. Desiree has a court date coming up soon. Meanwhile, Code Pink has some excellent suggestions for a Peaceful Holiday, and a contest going on to see who can sign up the most people to take some action. The actions consist of simple things, like not giving war toys for Christmas or Holiday gifts, or signing peace songs at the mall. I am considering having a Holiday Peace Party, maybe with letter writing like we did at a group gathering on this past Sunday. Anyway, I hope you will go to this site and sign up for an action or two - and increase my changes of winning a prize. I am in second place at this time.
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