Sunday, September 26, 2010

International Day of Peace in Asheville

 From the back of the rally, a bit after it got started.

 Representatives of several religions - including Pagans and atheists - spoke at the rally.

 More of the speakers at the rally.

 A women's singing group led some songs.

 The local girl scouts who put in the original "Peace Pole" were on hand to plant some mums near the ending of the rally.

A banner made in honor of the UN International Day of Peace, which is September 21st of every year.  This rally was a celebration of peace, and a prayer for peace.  It was held at City-County Plaza at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 21, 2010.  It included the release of white doves and the placing of stones by attendees by the Peace Pole at the end of the ceremony.

The local paper had a good write up, and they have some more pictures too.

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