Monday, February 12, 2007

Making Friends in Iraq

Well, no. Most people do not appreciate the military of a foreign country going through their personal stuff.

And the US forces sure as heck are not providing any "security" there for the Iraqi people. The Iraqi people are dying by the truckloads, and the US forces seem totally unable to stop it. In some cases, the US forces are the ones doing the killing. See photo of child below. Or read up on the "accidental" bombing of Kurdish forces - opps, they killed eight men. That's eight Kurdish families without a bread winner any more.

PHOTO: An Iraqi woman prays as a US Army soldier from the 5-20 Infantry Division provides security in a doorway while fellow soldiers search the house during the launch of Operation Arrowhead Strike Six in the Shaab neighbourhood of northern Baghdad, 06 February 2007. (AFP/File/David Furst)

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