to this god-awful war, that was and is illegal, immoral and very very stupid. Actually, it is take-your-breath-away stupid. The picture here was taken last year at our Eyes Wide Open exhibit in Asheville. This was the closing ceremony, with the boots of the NC troops who died in Iraq in a circle. Off to the far left corner, one of the Peace Dove ladies is letting them out of the cage. One Peace Dove is in flight.
Meanwhile, NC passed an Out of Iraq resolution, and today I found this article:
Democrats in State Capitols Push Antiwar Resolutions
Frustrated by the inability of Democrats in Congress to pass a resolution opposing President Bush's policies in Iraq, state legislators across the country, led by Democrats and under pressure from liberal advocacy groups, are pushing forward with their own resolutions. Resolutions have passed in chambers of three legislatures, in California, Iowa and Vermont. The Maryland General Assembly sent a letter to its Congressional delegation, signed by a majority of the State Senate and close to a majority of the House, urging opposition to the increase in troops in Iraq. Letters or resolutions are being drafted in at least 19 other states. The goal is to embarrass Congress into passing its own resolution and to provide cover for Democrats and Republicans looking for concrete evidence back home that anti-Iraq resolutions enjoy popular support. The activity was spurred in a conference call last month that included state legislators; Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts; and advocacy groups like the Progressive States Network and MoveOn.org.
I wish the NC House and Senate would pass such resolutions. They have a Democratic majority in both chambers. Also, 7 out of 13 or our US Representatives are Democratic. It seems to me that we should be able to do this!
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